Geodesign: uma alternativa para criação de propostas coletivas para assentamentos precários em Belo Horizonte.
Vanessa Tenuta de Freitas
This research aims to evaluate the potential of using Geodesign for planning
slums and illegal settlements in Belo Horizonte complementary or in a substitutive
way to the instrument currently used – Plano Global Específico (PGE). In that
sense, a historical perspective of the public actions in illegal settlements in Belo
Horizonte and the evolution of planning theories are presented. These two
instruments are also described, indicating their strengths and weaknesses, which
are complemented by a comparative study addressing some of the most criticized
aspects regarding the elaboration of the PGE: forms of popular participation, level
of detail of the final plan and the time needed to prepare and execute each of
them. The results show that Geodesign has significant potential for planning
slums and illegal settlements in Belo Horizonte, mainly in terms of execution time,
in order to guarantee attendance of the extensive universe of precarious
settlements existing. Furthermore, PGE is shown as an outdated instrument, still
based on rational-comprehensive theories, assuming a sequential planning,
incorporating social participation only in the discussion and approval of proposals
prepared by technicians. Geodesign, on the other hand, has in its methodology
a strong inspiration in strategic planning, bringing also influences of
Communicative Planning, which can be considered an innovative planning mode
elaborated according to the specificities of each location creating a collective
constructed masterplan bringing the local people the center of discussions.