Monografia (especialização)
Conhecimento tático-declarativo no handebol: estudo com atletas universitários da região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte/MG
Lucas Peixoto Fernandes Guimarães
Objectives: to analyze the levels of declarative tactical knowledge (DTK) in university handball athletes according to the following variables: number of weekly training sessions, hours per training session, practice time, level of competition and game position. Methodology: 122 athletes (55 males and 67 females) participated in the sample, with a mean age of 22.12 years (± 2.31) for males and 21.69 (± 2.18) for females. To characterize the sample, a demographic questionnaire was carried out, followed by the DTK test. The results of the applications were tabulated and processed within the SPSS Statistics 21.0 platform. Results: a significant difference (p ≤ 0.01) was found in the average of points between the groups that practiced handball “1ano / <” and the group that practiced “> 5 years”, which endorses and refutes some studies. In the variable “competition level”, a significant difference (p ≤ 0.02) was observed in the average of points between the groups of “local” level and the group of “national” level. The other variables: “number of training sessions per week”, “time per session” and “position”, did not show statistically significant differences. Final Considerations: the data suggest that the teaching-learning-training methodology factor used by the coach, constitutes an important factor for a better assessment of test scores, specifically in understanding the logic of the game related to the context, “knowing what to do".