dc.contributorClenice Griffo
dc.contributorSandro Vinicius Sales dos Santos
dc.creatorMarcia Aparecida Gomes
dc.description.abstractThis work deals with child role in pedagogical proposals and was developed with 4 and 5 years old children, in an early childhood institution. The research involved activities in plastic artistic language, and discussed the possibilities and the value of involving children in the organization of these proposals, aimed to be developed with the group. The aim of the research was to investigate practices that enable 4-5 years old children to participate in classes involving plastic artistic language. Given the existing concern in encouraging real participation of children in the development and definition of proposals in activities involving this language, a brief study on basic concepts of childhood, child development, leadership and artistic language was also presented. This paper presents the activities carried out during an intervention performance with groups of 4-5 years old children in the José Maria dos Mares Guia outbuilding, located inside the so named primary school in Riacho, a neighborhood located in the county of Contagem, Minas Gerais. The first part of the paper presents a characterization and history of early childhood education in the County of Contagem, which experienced an expansion of this service and an increase in quality of this work over the past few years. The history of early childhood education in the studied institution and part of its pedagogical proposal were also taken into account, as well as a brief report of professional life of the teacher who led this study and the characterization of the institution, its employees and the population served. Therefore, the theoretical foundation, with the conception of development, learning, childhood, artistic language, and children's role in early childhood institutions will be presented. Several authors were searched specially Vygotsky and Sarmento. In the second part we present the report of the undertaken intervention project whose activities involved works with plastic artistic language as well as some reflections from the teacher involved. In the last part, are the final considerations, which represent the perception of the teacher who held the proposed intervention, regarding the obtained data, showing that it is possible to understand that even small children can actively participate in the formulation of proposals for work and to interact with their classmates and with adults. They demonstrate greater interest in performing activities and make interventions during the implementation process of the proposals that are suggested and developed by the group. Works that encourage children, show that leadership provides a broader children development and an increased group involvement of the as a whole with the realization of those matters that were proposed.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectLinguagem artística
dc.titleO protagonismo infantil nos processos educativos que envolvem a linguagem artística
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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