dc.contributorRaquel Oliveira Prates
dc.contributorCarla Faria Leitao
dc.contributorLucila Ishitani
dc.creatorSoraia de Souza Reis
dc.description.abstractAssess the interface quality of an interactive system is an important task during the software development process. However, since different evaluation methods have been proposed, it becomes increasingly necessary to evaluate them to see which method is the most appropriate for certain situations. Semiotic Engineering methods can be con-sidered recent methods and are still being evaluated. The Semiotic Inspection Method (SIM), which was proposed in 2006 and is our study object, is one of these methods. Although SIM has been used in different domains since its proposal, a study of its capabilities and limitations has not yet been performed. Therefore, this work aimed at conducting an assessment of the method in order to understand its capabilities andlimitations. This assessment consisted of evaluating the method under three different perspectives: (1) gather information about its applicability; (2) identify advantages and disadvantages from the perspective of those who use the method (i.e., evaluators); and (3) identify costs, differences and similarities compared to another Semiotic Engineering method, in this case the Communicability Evaluation Method (a user-basedmethod). As a result we encountered great benefits of the method, especially in re-lation to its applicability to a wide variety of technology and domains. Some costs of the method were also identified. However, the costs associated with the SIM are offset by the results obtained with the application. Therefore, SIM could be consid ered a cost-effective method. The results presented in this study contribute to the Semiotic Engineering Theory research, since it generates data regarding how a theory-based method is being used and perceived by evaluators. This study is relevant not only for Semiotic Engineering research, but also to the HCI field as a whole, since the need to research new methods, as well as HCI theories and methods based on them, have already been identified. The contributions to the HCI field are: (1) providing an overview of the main advantages/disadvantages of a theory-based method; and (2) informing researchers and professionals about the main advantages/disadvantages found which can support them in assessing whether or when to use SIM.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEngenharia semiótica
dc.subjectMétodo de inspeção semiótica
dc.subjectMétodo de avaliação
dc.titleAvaliação do método de inspeção semiótica
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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