Dissertação de Mestrado
Classificação de úberes, tetos e lesões do ducto papilar em vacas com aptidão leiteira
Kilder Alves Arantes
Teats are the first line of defense against mastitis. The ability to prevent infections is associated with the Papillary duct conditions. The papillary duct injuries are associated with the rate of clinical mastitis, so the papillary duct injuries be used as a monitoring tool to access the quality of milk. Data were collected from 687 animals for milk aptitude in central Minas Gerais, 62 were missing and 625 udders and 2500 teats studied for morphology. These were submitted to histology 16 animals of each category of duct injuries tipe 1 cranial and 1caudal teat randomly selected from the same animal, representing 32 animal of each category (no injury, smooth injury and rough injury) totaled 96 duct studied. It was concluded that there was statistical difference between the morphological characteristics of udders and teats within the classification used; the correlation between the papillary duct lesions and types of udders and teats analyzed was low, there was no statistical difference in the lesions of duct papillary position in relation to the ceiling in the udder.