dc.contributorDaniela Muradas Reis
dc.contributorGabriela Neves Delgado
dc.contributorMarcio Tulio Viana
dc.creatorCarolina Pereira Lins Mesquita
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to apply the principles of progression and non-regression to collective labor agreements and conventions in order to determine their material limits and restrict collective private autonomy, especially in view of workers socio-legal advances andthe promotion of human dignity. The study was founded on elements derived from the general theory of law, whether inherent in the legal system or in legal rules, interpreted mainly in light of the doctrine of Norberto Bobbio and Miguel Reale. The study attempts to provide acomprehensive standardization of the instruments pertaining to collective labor negotiation, both in the interdependent and complementary perspective: as a component of labor legislation and as source of legal rules expected to meet the general criteria of efficacy, validity and justice- especially social justice. In this context, the dogmatics and principles ofLabor Law are indirectly reaffirmed in an attempt to restore the essential finalistic genesis of Labor Law: the protection of the worker in order to foster progressive improvement (uninterrupted and non-regressive) of the terms of social and economic contracts
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjecteficácia e justiça)
dc.subjectPrincípio da progressividade
dc.subjectjurídico laboral
dc.subjectDireito do Trabalho
dc.subjectTeoria Geral do Direito do Trabalho
dc.subjectConvenções e acordos coletivos de trabalho
dc.subjectPrincípio da vedação do retrocesso
dc.subjectNormas jurídicas (validade
dc.titleAplicação do princípio da progressividade e do princípio da vedação do retrocesso às convenções e aos acordos coletivos de trabalho: proposição à luz da teoria geral do direito de trabalho
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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