Dissertação de Mestrado
As adolescentes negras no discurso da Revista Atrevida
Carolina dos Santos de Oliveira
To analyze the speech on the black adolescent transmitted in the pages of the Atrevida magazine is the objective of this research. That publication, considered as a segment of the market editorial of feminine magazines, it specifically goes back to the adolescent public. To answer to the subjects put by the investigation, it was fallen back upon the Critical Analysis of the Speech (ACD), in the perspective of Fairclough (2001), analyzing the speeches produced as practice social, discursive and textual. The temporary cutting adopted for the selection of the analysis corpus is understood among the years of 2001 and 2005, period in which changes of national and international character happened in the context of the racial relationships. Inside of that, she opted for the analysis of the two editions that explicitly presented black adolescents' images or that you/they had the racial theme in prominence, being configured an intentional sample. The research concludes that the black adolescent's speech in the Atrevida magazine is complex and insidious, as well as they are it the racial relationships in our society. She cannot despise that the existence of that speech points some type of social change, but, at the same time, one cannot leave to be seduced by him. The speeches of the magazine reveal that to treat of the black aesthetics it is still an I unravel for the feminine publications. The black adolescents are introduced and acted through punctual and moved appearances of the remaining of that media printed, revealing a discomfort of the editors and of the journalists to treat of the subject. It is observed that the alone adolescent's ethnic-racial pertencimento if it turns evident and it is tematizado when it is the black. In the general, the speaker and public-objective privileged by the Daring person is the white adolescent, portraying the presence of the normative branquitude. The magazine produces a speech that carries all of the ambiguities of the Brazilian racism (statement through the own denial) and of the myth of the racial democracy. That feels in a complex way and intermixed among the world of the media, the speeches on gender, race, youth, market, aesthetics and beauty.