Monografias de Especialização
O dilema liquidez-rentabilidade no modelo dinâmico: o caso da MRV
Flora Oliveira Barbosa
The model created by Dynamic Fleuriet search this work to reclassify the accounts and forward in a comprehensive manner the situation in which the organization is efficiently. The level of solvency and profitability is also reported in this case study because it is a theory that influences the setting time in the company's decision making, and help in time of crises and bottlenecks. The big trade-off between profitability and liquidity has shown that their results are reversed, increased liquidity, lower profitability (and vice versa) results in graphs it is evident that lack of relationship between them. With this before you perform any kind of analysis has been studied the scenario in which the company is located so that at the time of analysis there is some external factor that influences the results can be highlighted, as it happened. Once collected from the Bovespa financial reports of a particular company in the business of construction, thus facilitating access to financial information for analysis by these indicators.