Artigo de Periódico
Análise das percepções do gestor quanto à implantação de um sistema de informação gerencial: rumo à tomada de decisão mais eficiente
André Luiz Mendes Athayde
Sarah Araújo Maia
The use of data as a tool for decision making is already a reality in organizations thanks to the advancement of technology. In this sense, managing information efficiently has become a vital and indispensable strategy to give managers direction in the decision-making process to gain competitive advantage in the market. As a consequence of the constant technological evolution linked to the information age, the Management Information System (MIS) is a great ally of managers to assist in this process, since it is capable of processing a huge number of data simultaneously. The present research has as general objective to analyze the perceptions of a manager of the company Cachaça Seleta regarding the benefits and challenges arising from the implementation of the GIS. Subsidiarizing the scope of the general objective, the following specific objectives were established: to identify the professional role of the interviewee within the company; to characterize the MIS used in the company; to describe how the main operational functions were performed prior to MIS implementation, data collection and analysis and decision making; to obtain the manager’s
perceptions regarding the benefits of the MIS implementation, as well as the main difficulties encountered during the process. For this, a semi-structured interview was used as data collection method and, as a technique for data analysis, content analysis. The results point to the success of the implementation of the MIS in the company defended by the manager.