Tese de Doutorado
Políticas da leitura, leituras da política: uma história comparada sobre os debates político-culturais em Marcha e Ercilla (Uruguai e Chile, 1932-1974)
Mateus Favaro Reis
The main objective of this thesis is to develop a comparative history of political debates and cultural projects within the editorial of Marcha and Ercilla, respectively Uruguay and Chile, between the 1930s and 1970. Founded by young intellectuals who aspired to occupy a prominent space in both political and cultural scenario of the two South American countries, Marcha and Ercilla plowed the seas of public life with agility, joining the publication of magazines and other printed documents such as books, or monthly magazines, as in the case of private enterprise Uruguayan. Linked to this, have established solid ties with the tensions and debates of the historical moment in which developed its activities. Discussions engendered great intellectual, political, cultural and artistic, the authors defended incorporate different worldviews, but that usually coincided foster channels of democracy. Also convergently, resorted to a set of actions for the dissemination of political reading, oriented brainstorming, reading habits and cultural formation.