Monografia (especialização)
A correição e a transparência na administração penitenciária de Minas Gerais, sob a ótica da eficiência
Lucival Santos Mercês
The permanent control of the actions of public agents and state activities is not only the duty of the State, but the right of all citizens. By establishing a structure to control its activities, the state complies with the constitutional commandments of morality, publicity and efficiency, as set out in the caput of art. 37 of the Constitution of the Republic. The nature and peculiarities of the activity of those working in the prison administration require effective and effective control. Guarding individuals who have their freedom hunted by the State for committing crimes, and at the same time guaranteeing and preserving their rights, is a costly task, which places professionals constantly in the thin line between right and wrong. In this context, it is necessary to operate efficient control mechanisms, not only to determine and punish deviations, but also to prevent their occurrence.