Dissertação de Mestrado
Lilith: um monstro feminino em Jorge Luis Borges, Dante Gabriel Rossetti e Primo Levi
Maria Isabel de Matos Andrade
The study of monstrosity belongs to many fields of knowledge, as well as to various periods of analysis. Since the Ancient Times, philosophers, writers, jurists and other studious have been questioning the constitution of the monstrous figure and also its connection to Evil. Currently, many studies of classificatory content have been developed, towards establishing lists that divide the monsters, based on specific criteria and parameters. On the other hand, the basis of this work is the theory developed by Jeffrey Jerome Cohen in his article a cultura dos monstros: sete teses. The author proposes a different way to analyze the monster, one that allows us to bring him closer to the culture in which he has been created, through intrinsic links between both. Therefore, it becomes possible to develop a critical analysis of the monster, that has from this point on a strong reason to be, that could be social, cultural, among others. The chosen figure for this study is Lilith, described in the Jewish literature as Adam´s first wife. The main goal, in this paper, is that to analyze her in the legendary scope and also in the chosen artistic developments, both the literary and plastic ones. She will be analyzed in the work of Jorge Luis Borges, Primo Levi and Dante Gabriel Rossetti, according to Cohen´s theory. It is aimed to determine if Lilith, in the chosen works and under the applied analysis focus, affirms herself as a monster.