dc.contributorClodoveu Augusto Davis Junior
dc.contributorRicardo da Silva Torres
dc.contributorMarcos Andre Goncalves
dc.creatorIvre Marjorie Ribeiro Machado
dc.description.abstractThe volume of spatial information on the Web grows continuously, both as maps and as references to places in documents and pages. Considering user needs for spatial information, it is often necessary to determine the places to which the text in a page refers. This work introduces a proposal for a new generation of gazetteers (place names dictionaries) that includes elements such as spatial relationships, concepts and related terms, essentially forming an ontology of places. This ontological gazetteer, or OntoGazetteer, provides semantic support for solving various common problems in geographic information retrieval. The validation of the proposed structure for the OntoGazetteer was achieved through case studies that covered two categories of geographic information retrieval problems: (1) detection and inference of the geographic context in texts, and (2) disambiguation of place names. These studies showed good results, which recommend the use of the OntoGazetteer in further geographic information retrieval problems.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectOntologias Espaciais
dc.subjectReconhecimento de Nomes de Lugares
dc.subjectDesambiguação de Nomes de Lugares
dc.subjectRecuperação de Informação Geográfica
dc.titleUm gazetteer ontológico para recuperação de informação geográfica
dc.typeDissertação de Mestrado

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