Monografias de Especialização
Hematúria: tipos, análise, valor diagnóstico
Belissa Fernandes Peres
Hematuria is defined as the presence of abnormal red blood in number, in an urine sample. There are several types of hematuria, and this event is a common finding in routine urine testing and is not always signal of the presence of diseases. This research was based on detailed reports and records in literature reviews, which were actually accessed and used on hematuria associated with other urinary disorders, specially proteinuria, suggesting the compromising of the urinary tract. Limiting factors are highlighted and all reported results in this review valorize the urinary sedimentoscopy, specially the morphology of red blood, to determinate the source of bleeding: glomerular or non-glomerular. In this research the methodology used a special valor was given emphasizing types, causes, exams, methods, reference values, diagnosis, treatment and limitations described in the literature. It will be presented also a research on dismorphic erythrocyte to guide the complementary research in the investigation of the source of urinary bleeding.