Tese de Doutorado
Estudo de barreiras elétricas para impedimento de entrada de peixes em turbinas hidráulicas
Rafael Emilio Lopes
The barrages of the hydroelectric powers consist in obstacle for the movement of the fish that inhabit the rivers. These tend to join in the channel of escape in the fetching of a way to exceed it. Many penetrate for the tubing of suction of the machines, attracted by the water flow. The fish suffer serious physical harms, frequently fatal injuries, observed during certain operations of the turbines. Theoretically, this problem can be solved hindering that the fish enter in the tubing of suction with the use of a barrier. In this work, we present experiments and results of a prototype of an electric barrier as a not intrusive solution to hinder the input of fish in the suction tubs. The evacuation of the restitution channel after the break for maintenance of the generating group turbine is also presented.