dc.contributorFabiola Carvalho de Almeida Lima
dc.contributorSelme Silqueira de Matos
dc.contributorDacle Vilma Carvalho
dc.creatorViviane da Penha Dias Ferreira
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to investigate whether the nursing care delivered to the intestinal ostomy is focused on self-care and assessing their effectiveness and whether there are difficulties DENTIFYING of intestinal ostomy self-care after discharge hospitalar.Métodos: This is a study secondary, with theoretical design of an integrative review. Resumed to the literature in order to answer the questions: nursing care for patients with intestinal stoma is focused on selfcare? After discharge the patient with intestinal stoma is enabled for self care? the knowledge produced by constructing a survey to describe the importance of the nursing staff and teaching self care to patients with intestinal stoma The sample consisted of 04 articles indexed in the database specifies (LILACS). Results: showed that customers colostomists, during hospitalization, is notgiven the opportunity to prepare in a participatory manner, to the highhospitalar.Ficou highlighted the lack of nurses to guide self-care. It was noticed that patients already undergoing outpatient still present difficulties related to lack of ability to manipulate the stock market, inadequacy of the device and dermatitis. Reports have not been satisfactory return to daily activities, and that even with the passage of time, the difficulties are not resolved. Conclusion: we observed the importance of developing criteria for rehabilitation, because these are still under investigation and discussion, for rehabilitation has been shown to be a very complex subject and practitioners are not trained to meet the demandof these patients, who require very special attention.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.titleA equipe de enfermagem e o ensino do autocuidado ao paciente portador de estoma intestinal: uma revisão integrativa
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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