Dissertação de Mestrado
Comparação entre diferentes testes de moagem SAG para determinação da energia unitária para cominuição de minérios sulfetados de cobre
Pedro Eduardo da Cunha Pereira
Nowadays tests are available for a better evaluation of comminution circuits, involving semi-autogenous grinding. These tests, economically feasible and with sufficient reliability, are performed in order to quantify the specific energy that an specific ore requires to be ground. From the specific energy the circuit is then properly sized. Among the tests, for semi-autogenous grinding, the Drop Weight from Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research (JKMRC), in Australia and SPI from MinnovEXTechnologies, in Canada, are the most important. It is common to achieve different results for those tests for the same ore sample and this makes the study of a comparison between them an unknown field that, if seen from close up, can be an additional tool for the mining companies and for engineers involved in sizing grinding circuits. The comparison between Drop Weight and SPI tests, for the sulfide copper ore fromSequeirinho and Sossego deposits, from Sossego Project, property of Companhia Vale do Rio Doce SA, in Pará State, Brazil, that will be ground in semi-autogenous and ball mills, is the objective of this work. The test procedures for the execution of these tests were compared, as well as the results from them. The differences in the procedures were highlighted, in order to explain the differences in the results, although they have a correspondence and are consistent.