Análise das relações superfície-atmosfera na bacia hidrográfica do Rio das Velhas em uma perspectiva multiescalar: proposta de síntese
Lilian Aline Machado
The hydrographic basin of the Rio das Velhas is one of the main sub-basins of the São
Francisco River, having in its territory the capital of the state of Minas Gerais and its
metropolitan region (RMBH). Since it drains the most industrialized and densely
populated region of the state, the parts of the basin close to the RMBH go through an
increasing process of degradation, which also manifests in the medium and low basin
where the agricultural activities predominate, contributing to the mischaracterization of
the riverbanks and increasing the number of pesticides in its waters. The climate is one
of the natural elements of biggest importance for the spacial organization of the basins
since it affects the processes of surface modelling as well as the quantity and distribution
of water. Because of that the scientific knowledge regarding the behavior of the climate
attributes is timely and essential to the planning of economic development and the
projects of smart use of natural resources. An essential piece of the spatial intervention
planning is the mapping of the environmental characteristics from which one can stablish
diagnostics and predictions for anthropic actions that optimize the balance between
environment quality and life quality. In this context this work aims to achieve an analysis
of the relationship between the surface climate controls and their atmospheric response
in the hydrographic basin of Rio das Velhas. The main product of this research is the
creation of a climate map of the units of the basin, with the intention of contributing to
the actions of water planning and management and recovery of the water courses
performed by the Comitê de Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio das Velhas (CBH-Velhas). The
results show that the spatial variation of the meteorological attributes on Rio das Velhas
is strongly conditioned by the geographical relief in different scalar levels while on time,
the climate of the hydrographic basin of Rio das Velhas changes monthly under the
influence of the latitudinal position of the basin and annually under the influence of
phenomens and complex mechanisms of the macroclimate. In a zonal scale the basin is
inserted in the Tropical Brasil Central Climate, characterized by the precipitation
seasonality, hot rainy summers and mild dry winters. The surface of the basin is split into
rough highlands of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero on the South, Serra do Espinhaço on the
west border, lowland and undulating in the depression of the Rio São Francisco in the
central region and east of the basin and these cut the zonal climate into two regional units:
the Altitude Tropical Climate and the Typical Tropical Climate. These two units
differentiate themselves by the high total rainfall and reduced air temperature in the
former in opposition to a reduced total rainfall and high temperature in the later. However,
these units show distinct characteristics of altitude, rugosity, and latitudinal position
inside, which influences the intensity of the thermal and rainfall characteristics,
generating the configuration of sub-regional and local units. The climate processes
involved in the discretization of the climate units were illustrated in schematic profiles as
well as the scalar relations identified in the area.