Monografias de Especialização
O Balanço Hídrico para Cultura do Café Arábica no Município de São Domingos das Dores MG
Aline Gomes Ferreira
The water balance is a method of calculating the availability of soil water to plant communities. The soil's natural water to vegetation water entry is represented by precipitation and irrigation while the output is evapotranspiration. The aim of this study was to calculate and analyze the water balance Climatological proposed by Thornthwaite and Mather (1955) for coffee culture in São Domingos das Dores, Minas Gerais, since the region stands out for coffee culture. Used were collected between 2004-2013 by Meteorological Station Fazendas Reunidas Laia & Souza, located in the city under study. With the water balance we couldassess that the average temperature of the city is 22.1 °C, and the average annual rainfall is 1.213,2 mm, so it can be inferred that the area is suitable for growing coffee. The months were significant deficits concentrated from May to October, shortly after that period November-March precipitation that exceeded 100 mm, a period that will be occurring at flowering, pellet formation, expansion and grain formation, while those phases water availability in the soil is very important for quality production. Fluid replacement begins in November, yet the average annual water deficit in the region is 206.5 mm, as indicated inthese conditions would suit the water supply to the coffee, through irrigation.