dc.contributorAna Monica Serakides Ivo
dc.contributorDarlene Mara dos Santos Tavares
dc.creatorLuciana Santos Fagundes
dc.description.abstractThis study aimed to develop a plan of multidisciplinary intervention to prevent complications and treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus and hypertension attended in Basic Health Unit Dona Regina Medeiros. Elaborated a diagnosis of health within the territory, through the Strategic Planning Situational method. Information for rapid estimation was obtained in the Primary Care Information System records and through interviews with key informants. Data on households and micro areas allowed the identification of some problems, being elected as a priority issue High number of people with diabetes mellitus and hypertension." We detected four causes of the problem or critical nodes and from these operations or projects with details of results, expected outputs and the necessary resources for implementation of actions were developed. We conclude that HA and DM are important risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and injuries represent public health and therefore it becomes necessary to present strategies for coping the priority problem, because these are conditions that have generated high number of loss of quality of life with higher limitations in work and leisure activities, as well as premature deaths and economic impacts to the health system and families. It also proposes the inclusion of other professionals on the team, such as nutritionist, pharmacist and physical educator, since the municipality does not have teams NASF.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEquipe de Assistência ao Paciente
dc.subjectPrevenção de Doenças
dc.subjectEducação em Saúde
dc.subjectDiabetes Mellitus
dc.titleAbordagem multidisplinar a pacientes diabéticos e hipertensos atendidos por Equipe de Saúde da Familia em Claro dos Poções-MG
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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