Tese de Doutorado
A desconstrução do esquecimento em contexto de conflito ambiental: arqueologia e etnografia da comunidade de Miguel Burnier, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais
Luana Carla Martins Campos
From the reality of Miguel Burnier experienced by ethnographic experience, this doctoral research aimed at understanding the process of memories construction of the aforementioned community, whose relationship between identity and territory bolster in a very specific involvement with the local cultural heritage and, notoriously, witharchaeological assets. The reality, among other aspects, interwoven with the environmental conflict situation experienced by the community after the installation of the Gerdau S. A. mining in 2003, in an affluence of successive and sudden ruin. Given the present possibility of forced displacement and destruction of this community, it has relied on various forms of resistance which included not only the legal tools but alsosymbolic weapons associated with the preservation of its history and its material reflexes, such as cultural heritage. Thus, the research was dedicated to understanding Miguel Burnier from its historical context and its regional insertion in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero-Aquífero, andespecially to investigate the processes of patrimonialization in the contemporary society, with its social forces disputes of different interests and perspectives, especially with regard to the environmental feasibility studies of large iron ore mining companies in the state of Minas Gerais.The study sought theoretical and methodological support in the postcolonialism rationale, so that in addition to profound historical documentary research and archaeological surveys carried out, using the use of geoprocessing, the ethnographic research encapsulates the scope of the construction of a developed narrative together with and for the community. The interdisciplinarity of the fundamentally sustainedresearch in the areas of Archeology, Anthropology and History, exacts the discussion about the limits and possibilities of these scientific fields in the context of Miguel Burnier.