Dissertação de Mestrado
Contra-hegemonia: um conceito de Gramsci?
Herbert Glauco de Souza
This thesis aims to analyze the concept of "counter-hegemony" which, although presented as a formulation of Antonio Gramsci (1891- 1937), has no record in his work. It was proposed, therefore, to understand the genesis of this concept and why was their connection to the name of the author of Quaderni del carcere. To this end, we conducted a literature Gramscian texts in Italian and Portuguese for the deepening of the concept of hegemony as well as the survey work in which the concept of counterhegemony is linked to the name of Gramsci. In his writings, Gramsci developed the concept of hegemony has already begun the discussion of this concept in the southern question Some themes (1926), just before being imprisoned by the fascist regime that has taken place in Italy. However, it makes no mention of the concept of counter-hegemony in his work produced in the prison, which is more solid and systematic (a work of maturity), containing an investigative project more cohesive and developed. However, lies in various fields of knowledge the relationship between the concept of counter-hegemony and the name of Antonio Gramsci. The research undertaken has confirmed that the concept of counter-hegemony is not a formulation of Gramsci and that this concept was added to the corpus Gramscian theorist by Raymond Williams in his work entitled Marxism and Literature (1977).