Monografias de Especialização
A implantação do uso de técnicas não farmacológicas de alívio a dor no processo parturitivo na rede privada
Viviane Adélia dos Santos
The present study from the need to discuss changes in the model of obstetric and perinatal in the country still focused on the biomedical model. This model contributes to the increase in the number of invasive and interventional procedures during labor and delivery, unnecessarily and without the participation of women and / or family, causing an increase in the prevalence of cesarean and maintenance of high maternal mortality and perinatal. In health insurance, where cesarean rates are alarming, it is necessary to reflect the importance of good practice in the birth process, to facilitate the resumption of normal birth. Accordingly, it is proposed that this intervention project with the goal of building an intervention project for a Private Maternity in the city of Belo Horizonte - MG, on the benefits of using non-pharmacological methods of pain relief in childbirth. The obstetrician nurse acts to provide freedom of movement, walking, shower baths, breathing exercises, lumbar massage with relaxation, privacy and support, promotes ambience in the process of giving birth, thereby, that the mother has a good experiences delivery, making this be seen as pleasurable and happy.