De tutor a professor mediador a distância: as implicações na atuação dos profissionais da EaD
Érika Abreu Pereira
In this study proposed to think on the transformations in the configuration of the teaching practice due to the expansion of Distance Education, particularly the performance of the tutor and the distance mediator teacher in technical courses of the Pronatec Brazil network. We discussed the initiative of the Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais (IFNMG), which, by joining the Pronatec Scholarship Program, included the distance mediator teacher in a function similar to that previously occupied by the distance tutor. In this context, we seek to describe the profile of distance mediator teachers, their performance and perception about working and teaching in the e-learning. We also intend to identify the changes occurred in the work of those professionals who were formerly considered distance tutors and later became distance mediator teachers. As part of the Educational Resource of this investigation, we have a website about the teaching performed by the tutor in the Brazilian public network. The website was organized based on the semi-structure interviews involving five mediating teachers and two managers. This investigation is based on the analysis proposed by the qualitative exploratory research, which involves a triangulation for data analysis. This analysis involved an online questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and analysis of institutional documents and legislation that integrate the Distance Education programs in Brazil. We have found that distance mediators are mostly bachelors’ degreeand post graduates, who reconcile distance teaching work with other paid activities. These professionals perceive themselves as teachers in Distance Education as well as the tutors. We have verified that the nomenclature has changed, but the activities performed are the same as those for tutoring, which are teaching activities performed within the scope of the student's monitoring in virtual learning environments. The data have revealed that the professionals felt recognized after adaption of the nomenclature of distance mediator. However, the new denomination has given little contribution to the full practice of teaching. Although the institution offers good working conditions, there are still typical gaps in Brazilian public network e-learning system that have not been overcome yet, for instance, the lack of labor rights, once the payment is made through scholarships. Thus, the analysis shows the devaluation of teaching as a consequence of the weakening of distance education, due to the lack of labor support that is established through programs in the Brazilian public network. Intending to contribute to this discussion, over the website, it is provided material for reading and professional development, institutional links and continuous training, as well as a proposal for interaction and exchange of experiences, according to the data obtained in this investigation.