dc.description.abstract | The diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease that takes to complications metabolic, vascular, neurological, infectious and provokes alteration in the immunological capacity. Its prevalence in the Brazilian population does with that is necessary the precocious diagnosis and treatment multidisciplinary. Among the complications of the disease are buccal affection and a narrow relationship with the periodontal disease. The diabetes is an added difficulty to the development and progression of the periodontal disease, and the same if not treated alters the control glycemic of the diabetes. The surgeon-dentist has great importance in the control of the diabetes mellitus participating in the service multiprofissional, acting in activities healing, preventive and of promotion of health. The objective of the present study is to deepen the theoretical discussion and to supply to the professionals of health knowledge and an updated revision about the importance of the attention odontologic to the carrier of diabetes mellitus, as well as the appropriate conducts during the service odontologic. The adhesion and the search for treatment in the diabetic patients' cases need to be stimulated, so that occurs the improvement of the buccal hygiene, control of the disease periodontal and improvement in the control glicemic. The improvement in the infection periodontal will contribute to a better control glicemic, reducing the risks of cardiovascular and neurological diseases in the carriers of diabetes. | |