dc.contributorAline Cristina Souza da Silva
dc.contributorMaria Marta Amancio Amorim
dc.creatorAparecido Uênio Gonçalves Borges
dc.description.abstractSmoking is a serious public health problem, since it represents high numbers of morbidity and mortality, being a major risk factor for the development of several diseases that can lead to death. The main component of tobacco is nicotine, an alkaloid, found in some Solenacea plants and some fungi. Because it is lipophilic it is easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, skin and mucous membranes including through the blood-brain and fetto-placental barriers. Nicotine is primarily responsible for chemical dependence, as well as being associated with a number of diseases in the cardiorespiratory system. In view of this problem, a large number of smokers were observed in the Municipality of Lagamar, located in the District of São Brás de Minas. Thus, the objective of this study is to elaborate an intervention plan to reduce smoking in UBS Antonia Ferreira dos Santos, with the intention of reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with its use. The accomplishment of this work was accomplished through three stages: situational diagnosis, literature review and elaboration of an intervention plan. Next, a review of the literature was carried out, searching in databases using as descriptors: Smoking, Primary Attention to Health, Smoking habit. After reviewing the literature, an intervention plan was drawn up based on the observations of the main problem found in the health unit, and the main proposals presented to solve the problem were: use of nicotine replacement therapy through chewing gums, adhesives transdermal, cognitive behavioral therapy, focused on smoking cessation and after stopping smoking effectively, patients will be invited to keep track once a month where they will go through an interview in which they will report the main difficulties in the cessation process , strategies and techniques of encouragement will be carried out, in a way that will aid even relapses. Acrescentar a frase da conlcusão em inglês.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectAtenção Primária à Saúde
dc.subjectHábito de fumar
dc.titleAcompanhamento e tratamento de pacientes tabagistas no município de Lagamar - Minas Gerais
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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