Avaliação da motivação em relação a videoaulas de anatomia humana: validação psicométrica e aplicação da versão brasileira do Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS-BRV) em estudantes de medicina
Aloísio Cardoso Júnior
Introduction: Motivation is one of the most impacting elements in learning, in a
polymorphic context involving attitudes, strategies and goals. Thus, it is important to
assess students' motivation in relation to the various teaching strategies. Objective:
This study aimed to assess the motivation of students of the first period in relation to
asynchronous human anatomy video lectures, carried out during remote emergency
teaching, implemented by the Medicine Course at José do Rosário Vellano University
(UNIFENAS-BH). Methodology: To assess the students' motivation, psychometric
validation of the Instructional Materials Motivation Survey (IMMS) was performed,
utilizing the IMMS previously translated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese (IMMSTBR),
generating the IMMS validated in Brazil (IMMS-BRV). The IMMS-BRV was
applied to students of human anatomy, from the first period of the medical course, in
the year 2020. The data were analyzed considering the 95% confidence level as
significant (p <0.05). Results: The psychometric validation of the IMMS-TBR
generated the IMMS-BRV instrument with 25 items distributed in 4 dimensions
(Interest, Confidence, Attention and Expectation) with internal consistency equal to
0.95 (Cronbach's alpha). The cluster analysis showed that 78.1% of the students had
moderate (72% of the maximum score) or high (86% of the maximum score) degrees
of motivation. The influence of social isolation on the emotional state did not affect the
global motivation scores (p = 0.217) and the dimensions of the IMMS-BRV: Interest (p
= 0342); Confidence (p = 0.061); Attention (p = 0.625) and Expectation (p = 0.094). In
the Attention dimension, scores were significantly higher in females (p = 0.023) and in
the group that had a previous higher education course (p = 0.006). Conclusion: The
IMMS-BRV has construct validity and reliability in the context used. The students of
the first period of the Medicine Course at UNIFENAS-BH showed high motivation for
asynchronous human anatomy video lectures, attended during the period of social
isolation, in the year 2020. Although the majority of students are very affected in their
emotional state, due to the social isolation imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic, this
state did not interfere with the motivation for human anatomy video lectures.