Monografias de Especialização
Qualificação do profissional de Educação Física para o atendimento de usuários com transtornos mentais comuns inscritos no Programa Academias da Cidade da Regional Oeste de Belo Horizonte
Kátia Kellen de Paula Aguilar Las - Casas
The present study aimed to develop an Action Plan for professional preparation and/or qualifications of Physical Education to perform the reception and care of individuals diagnosed with Common Mental Disorders in use of antidepressants and anxiolytics in the City Academies Program in Belo Horizonte. The diagnosis was made in the western region of Belo Horizonte, and has a population of 268,124 inhabitants distributed in a geographical area of 32.10 km ². The Western Sanitary District comprises 15 health centers of which nine are located in the territory of the six poles of the City Academies in region. Consider the Action Plan to be feasible implemented two operations ("The natural host" and "Desmedicamentar: alternative interventions") for the problem raised.