Monografias de Especialização
Ações para viabilizar a construção de um currículo integrado para o curso técnico em análises clinicas da ETSUS "professora Ena de Araújo Galvão"
Marina Alves de Freitas
This intervention project aims to evaluate the Project's Technical Course in Clinical Analyses, promoting workshops with the various actors of Escola Técnica do Sistema Único de Saúde de Mato Grosso do Sul, subsidizing them theoretically, to discuss the proposed modification of the Course Plan that is, nowadays, in modules to integrated curriculum. Considering tha the proposal of integrated curriculum allows effective integration of teaching and professional practice; breakthrough in the construction of theories, the search for specific and unique solutions for different situations, the integration of teaching and work-community; integration teacher / student research and seeking clarifications and proposals and adapting to each local situation and cultural patterns characteristic of a particular social structure, it is important that Escola Técnica do Sistema Único de Saúde Professora Ena de Araujo Galvão organize themselves preparing their teachers to be able to develop a work as a time that will lead the student to become reflective and prepared to meet the new demands of the working world. In this project we will use the methodology of the Universidade Estadual de Londrina, published in the book O currículo integrado do curso de enfermagem da Universidade Estadual de Londrina: do sonho a realidade ,adapted to the course in question.