Brasil | Tese de Doutorado
dc.contributorFabio Bonfim Duarte
dc.contributorSeung Hwa Lee
dc.contributorCilene Aparecida Nunes Rodrigues
dc.contributorMarilia Lopes da Costa Faco Soares
dc.creatorQuesler Fagundes Camargos
dc.description.abstractThis doctoral dissertation aims to investigate the functions of VoiceP and vPCAUSE. The main source of data is the Tenetehára-Guajajára language (Tupí-Guaraní Linguistic Family), with the data collected during fieldwork conducted between 2012 and 2015 in the Arariboia and Caru Indigenous Lands (located in the State of Maranhão, Brazil). A theoretical proposal will be presented to unify the grammatical phenomena of applicativization, causativization and nominalization in the Tenetehára-Guajajára language. According to Pylkkänen (2002, 2008), many of the original functions of the vP (CHOMSKY, 1995) have been divided between two independent projections: VoiceP and vPCAUSE. In this work, I will provide an overview of the argumentation concerning the roles ascribed to the VoiceP projection. These include: introduction of the external argument (agent argument) and checking of the abstract Case of the internal argument. The vPCAUSE projection, in turn, has the function of introducing causative meaning. I will investigate the implications for the Tenetehára-Guajajára language of the hypothesis that some languages project VoiceP and vPCAUSE independently. For example, derived causative transitive verbs do not project VoiceP if the applicative morphology {eru-} participates in the derivation. The best evidence comes from sentences with no external argument, although the causative morphology {mu-} is present. The same holds for causative transitive verbs when they are nominalized. Therefore, the Tenetehára-Guajajára language projects VoiceP and vPCAUSE independently, and the introduction of the external argument is syntactically disassociated from the introduction of causative meaning.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectLínguas indígenas
dc.subjectTeoria Gerativa
dc.subjectLíngua Tenetehára-Guajajára
dc.subjectFamília linguística Tupí-Guaraní
dc.titleAplicativização, causativização e nominalização: uma análise unificada de estruturas argumentais em Tenetehára-Guajajára (Família Tupí-Guaraní)
dc.typeTese de Doutorado

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