Artigo de Periódico
Engels e a igualdade jurídica: notas acerca da questão da secularização da visão de mundo teológica no direito
Vitor Bartoletti Sartori
In this article, we will deal with the issue of equality in Friedrich Engels. To do so, we will try to demonstrate that there is in the author's work an important correlation between the emergence of capitalism, class struggle, religion and law. While religion would have been the garment by which the bourgeoisie would have fought its first battles, the legal sphere would be related to the proletarian struggles atfirst. It happens, however, that, just as religion does not conform to the terrain of the bourgeoisie, law does not stand as the ground for the modern proletariat struggles. In dealing with the question of the secularization of the theological vision of the world, we will explain the continuities and discontinuities present, according to Engels, in the theological and legal worldviews.