Monografias de Especialização
Estudo comparativo entre as atividades funcionais cerebrais e hábitos dos empregadores e dos empregados das firmas
Jose Adair Aguilar Pinheiro
Considering the great interest that research in neuroscience has aroused in the corporate world and in academic centers, and that these studies focus primarily on decision-making processes, being used the most in the marketing field. The aim of this project is to enable studies in the field of everyday decisions managers and to conduct a comparative investigation of the neurobiological mechanisms of decision in the field of entrepreneurship. The plan is to investigate whether there are differentiations in these processes between an entrepreneur who is the owner of the business and an employee who is an entrepreneur, also to compare groups of these two subjects with a control group consisting of persons not entrepreneurs. Note that this study will open new possibilities in the development of methodologies and approaches in neurosciences and social sciences, allowing the expansion of the application of results beyond the neuromarketing field, reaching the area of learning and management.