Artigo de Periódico
“Ele é o atraso e você a modernidade”: matrizes culturais latino-americanas na televisualidade brasileira, o caso da telenovela Duas Caras
Simone Maria Rocha
The purpose of this article is to reflect how the miscegenation of cultural matrixes composes our Latin American culture, supports the televisual products and is figured in the televisuality to offer narratives of typical political cultures of this Region. The theoretical-methodological discussion is based on the concept of cultural matrixes and on the analytical proposal of the Visual Studies. The corpus corresponds to a campaign for council member of the character Evilásio Caó – displayed on the television series Duas Caras (2007). We conclude that the negotiations between the archaic and modern define the anachronistic experiences of Latin American modernity, that the visual di-mension increases the thickness of this experience and that analytical investments in this dimension reveal to be increasing