Monografias de Especialização
Diagnóstico ambiental simplificado da bacia do Rio das Pedras na porção do município de Guaraciama - MG
Jose Valter Alves
The present work emerged with the aim of characterizing a simplified way the micro-watershed of the Rio das Pedras, located in the city of Guaraciama- MG, besides raise the main problems and some priority actions for the conservation and preservation. The micro-watershed of the Rio das Pedras is inserted in cerrado biome and it has its characteristic vegetation in stratum "cerrado field". The climate is Aw. The area of the micro-watershed in question is of the order of 106,1 km ², the perimeter is of 60,94 km, the length of the main water course is equals 22,01 km, the length of the total drainage network is of 196,68 km, the compactness coefficient of 0,96. The drainage density (DD) is 1,8537 km/km ², the slope of the main water course is of 1,6%, the Form Factor (Kf) was calculated at 0,2190, already the compactness coefficient (Kc) stayed in 1,6484. The main problems identified were the suppression of native vegetation, the change in soil structure and effluent generation. As empirical solution, it is proposed that are performed palliative actions of curbing of erosion, vegetation recomposition, reform of the rural roads, among others.