Monografias de Especialização
A sexualidade da mulher na terceira idade
Neyli Cristine do Espirito Santo
Worldwide, in recent years, the elderly population has increased, and, as a result, the aging has become a universal and irreversible reality; becoming a major challenge to be faced by State, public health, the public health policies and by the health professionals who are responsible to ensure the subject a quality of life with aging. The transformations occurring in the body throughout life may somehow influence positively or negatively on the sexual experience with aging. Thus, sexuality, lifelong and particularly in the elderly, should be treated as an important aspect that works as a integrator of the elderly returning to them the role assumed front of the family and society, since it leads to social, affective and loving relationships providing them quality of life. This study aimed to examine female sexuality in old age, revealing about the sexual function of the woman and their changes with the aging process, identifying the meaning of psychological and emotional aspects of sexuality of the elderly woman. The population was selected using the resources offered by the metaresearch Virtual Health Library. From the 35 identified publications, 6 were included in the sample. All articles were published in Portuguese language where Brazil was the country of publication. It was possible to observe the need of thematic approach, mainly by health professionals, since many seniors feel retracted when approached on the subject, since in their minds are the taboos imposed by society and the little application of the subject in operational groups of PSF.