Monografias de Especialização
Educação continuada e educação permanente: divergências conceituais
Micaeli Aparecida da Silva
In the health area, due to the rapid evolution of science and technology, it is necessary that professionals keep pace with these developments to act effectively. Therefore, it is essential to seek professional qualifications throughout life. This qualification can be achieved in several ways by highlighting the continuing education and permanent education. These expressions are often used interchangeably, but are actually quite distinct concepts. To elucidate this mistake was made this work in order to identify the conceptual differences between continuing education and permanent education. It is an integrative literature review conducted with a sample of 19 articles published in portuguese and in the period 2003 to 2010, identified in the databases SCIELO, BDENF, LILACS and the Health Ministry. For the analysis of the concepts presented by different authors conclude that continuing education and permanent educations are different concepts, both are aimed at professional qualification but with different characteristics. Both methods seek to boost the autonomy, personal growth, professional and organizational.