Monografias de Especialização
Acolhimento: a prática do serviço social com familiares de adolescentes no Núcleo de Saúde do Adolescente
Marilene Moreira
The Outpatient Clinic, in a Hospital provides services to adolescents and their families with interprofessional approach, including project of the waiting room, seeking embracement and health promotion. Family members are welcomed whenever they have desire or demand. The article aims to describe the experience of the practice of welcoming performed by a social worker that attend at the Núcleo de Saúde do Adolescente. A professional intervention had as reference the therapeutic care and the implementation of the National Policy on Humane Health System, the code of ethics governing the profession of social work and the Political Ethics of the Profession Project. In this perspective we understand that the embracement is not screened because they do not constitute as a step in the process, but as an action that should occur in all places and times of the health service.