Monografia (especialização)
A contribuição da abordagem triangular para a alfabetização
Elizabet das Mercês Coelho
Every child goes through levels of knowledge and maturity to be literate. This research aims to analyze whether the Triangular Approach can assist in the child's development for literacy. Knowing history, making art and knowing how to appreciate a work, are the paths of Ana Mae Barbosa's Triangular Approach proposal for the development of thought, language and writing. In this work, the studies by Emília Ferreiro and Piaget describe levels and phases of the development of children's writing and drawing. The research also relies on authors like VYGOTSKY who say that gestures have the meaning of writing in the air; NICOLAU says that the first
traces represent the beginning of the expression that will lead the child to drawing, painting and also writing; AX that the Triangular Approach draws a scenario of interrelated fields of knowledge, NOVAES, which points out that when using the image to express itself, the child starts the literacy of his gaze, developing, building and improving a repertoire of visual and sensory symbols that will help you to read the world symbolically; OSTROWER that points out that producing art from expressive and concrete languages, allows children to understand by assigning sense and meaning; PEREIRA who talks about reading skills that require the subject to master the structuring codes and their formal relationships; PERONDI who comments that the drawings are inspired by experiences already lived; DERDYK who says that the drawing expresses the desire for representation, and LOWENFELD tells us about the procedures of the doodles. Thus, thinkers defend the hypothesis of learning in an active and creative way.