dc.contributorAntônio Augusto Moreira De Faria
dc.creatorDulcinéia Lírio Caldeira
dc.description.abstractThis intervention project has as its main objective to develop the teaching of textual genre chronicle, with the support of data processing, wherein the selected chronicles present formal workers as protagonists. The project was applied along 2014 and 2015, in Centro Educacional de João Monlevade (CEJM), municipal public school, for the students of 7th fundamental grade. Textual genre chronicle has been chosen because of its linguistic feature of presenting everyday facts with colloquial comments about them. On the other hand, the relationship between employers and workers, besides its relevance in human life, is still not properly valued among textual genre teaching activities. Labor relations, that were the theme for Geography (economy and marketing aspects) and History (history of work) disciplines in CEJM, are among the transversal themes of National Curriculum Guidelines. The present textual genre was studied from chronicles of Rubem Braga (“Luto da família Silva” and “O padeiro”), Lima Barreto (“A greve da Cantareira”) and Vinícius de Moraes (“Operários em construção”). The study was developped in the classrooms as well as in the computer lab, that offers microcomputers for the students, in the program of the federal government UCA – Um Computador por Aluno. This intervention project explored the intertextual relations with the website of the Sindicato dos Metalúrgicos de João Monlevade (www.sindmonmetal.com.br). After the intertextual and interdisciplinary study of this textual genre, the students were able to write their own texts illustrated and presented in an ebook to the school community and to the trade-union.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Letras
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectTrabalhadores personagens
dc.titleEnsino de crônicas, com trabalhadores personagens, auxiliado pela informática

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