Monografia (especialização)
Aplicação do diagrama de Ishikawa na central de material esterilizado para a reorganização do setor
Elessandra Lima Guimarães
The Sterilized Material Center acts indirectly in patient care, however, the service running in the sector is of direct relevance to the safety of patients and professionals working in healthcare institutions. The general purpose of the study is to apply the Ishikawa Diagram to identify the causes and solutions of nonconformities found in the Central of Sterilized Material of a public hospital. This is a descriptive-explanatory research, with a qualitative approach, developed through a single case study. The application of the Ishikawa diagram resulted in the identification of immediate actions to reduce the difficulties encountered. We conclude that the Ishikawa diagram is an appropriate tool to the health sector and its use can contribute to the identification of causes and sub-causes of the problems, directing and facilitating the identification of alternatives to reduce or solution.