dc.contributorEline Lima Borges
dc.contributorMercia Heloisa Ferreira Cunha
dc.creatorJanete Ferreira
dc.description.abstractThe objective of this study was to identify social economic and demographic profile of the group of professors of a high school level nursing course in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. The reason for such research was that the school has been opened for forty-four years, is a reference in the education of high school level nursing, but has never had an organized study of its group of professors. This study will fill in the gaps the school has presented and its results will help the directors of the school implement changes that will improve the quality of teaching. This is a preliminary, descriptive cross-sectional study done in a nursing school. The group consisted of 15 professors of different subjects and internship supervisors. A basic questionnaire was used in order to collect the information needed. The questionnaire was filled out by the professors after they read and signed a term of consent. The final result showed that most of the professors were females, catholic, married and between the ages of 35 and 40. They had 1 to 3 children, lived in their own homes and had several types of media available. Most of them were nurses themselves, were taking grad courses in private universities and had between 1-5 or 11-15 years since graduating from their undergrad course. Three professors also had a degree in Pedagogy; one was in the process of taking a Pedagogy course and three others had graduated from a technical nursing course. All of the professors had experience in health assistance predominately in hospital assistance. Most of the professors held other teaching jobs. Most of them felt that they were professors because of a personal calling and one felt that it was a good professional opportunity at the moment. Most of the professors were responsible for teaching theoretical classes, which were then followed by those that were classified as theoretical and practical. The conclusion therefore was that the professors were experienced in education and assistance, were graduated nurses and were still investing in their own education. A large percentage also had pedagogical education.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectEducação em enfermagem
dc.subjectDocentes de enfermagem
dc.subjectPesquisa em enfermagem
dc.subjectEscolas de enfermagem
dc.titlePerfil dos professores de um curso de nível médio em enfermagem da cidade de Belo Horizonte MG
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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