dc.contributorAntonio Leite Alves Radicchi
dc.contributorThais Porlan de Oliveira
dc.creatorFlaviane Mariz
dc.description.abstractThe demographic transition is a global phenomenon that has features like a series of events that result in low mortality rates, low fertility rates, reducing the size of the population and increasing population of old aged people. A high frequency of chronic diseases and longevity Brazilian population are cited as the main cause of increase in the elderly with functional disability that can lead to the condition of the elderly dependency. The experience of taking responsibility for dependent elderly people has been placed by family caregivers as an exhausting and stressful task. In this review of the literature that sought to establish the profile of elderly caregivers affected by stress and depression , was concluded that the biological, psychosocial , economic , historical cultural factors of elderly caregiver can determine the stress of the caregiver , such tension is previous of anxiety or depression , the longer the caregiver is dedicated to the elderly , the greater the insulation and their caregiver strain, and these factors are significantly associated with rates of depression , caregivers of patients with higher age have lower rates of symptoms depression , depression is associated with elderly caregivers beginners , advanced age of the dependent elderly has association with symptoms of caregiver stress , caregivers of seniors who had higher factor optimism demonstrated lower rates of depression , caregivers of dependent elderly who reported resentment when caring for your relative frail were more susceptible to symptoms of anxiety and depression.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectDepressão em Cuidadores de Idosos
dc.subjectEstresse Psicológico em Cuidadores de Idosos
dc.subjectSobrecarga em Cuidadores de Idosos
dc.titleEstresse e depressão em cuidadores de idosos dependentes
dc.typeMonografias de Especialização

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