Monografia (especialização)
A escola e o processo de exclusão de travestis e transexuais : um estudo bibliográfico
Marinez Prates Cantarino
Methodologically, the research is based on analysis of literature sources. The objective of this study was intended to identify and understand from the literature review how and which processes and mechanisms that permeate the school daily practices that can somehow contribute to exclusion and expulsion of trans people (transvestites, men and transgender women) school. From the literature review, we identified the elements or mechanisms in school, which somehow constitute obstacles and make it difficult to stay and contribute to exclusion / expulsion of trans people of school routines. The non-recognition and rejection of social name in the call list and other documents of the institution; preventing the use of the bathroom according their gender identity and sexual, lack of training for teachers, managers / as and other school personnel in dealing with sexual diversity, particularly in relation to trans people, object of this study; the lack of secularity in the speeches and practices in school. School (with their teaching practices, programs, content and your resume) requires ideas and models of a particular hegemonic group and subtly punishes the expressions of gender and sex in school, leading to certain rules, behaviors heteronormative standard. The transphobia at school is a living issue for trans people, and is also one of the factors that contribute to exclusion and abandonment of studies of these people, which also means difficulty of access to the labor and marginalization market, whose right to education is denied. Therefore, the school routine is quite difficult for trans people environment. Also, it is at school that may emerge actions in confronting prejudice to discrimination, allowing for possibilities of transformation in and out of school and promoting respect and appreciation of trans people. Furthermore, ensure their permanence of these people at school.