dc.contributorRogério Santos Mol
dc.contributorArturo Ulises Fernández Pérez
dc.contributorBruno Scárdua
dc.contributorMárcio Gomes Soares
dc.contributorRudy Rosas
dc.creatorEduardo Carlos Cabrera Zúñiga
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is dedicated to the study of conditions to ensure the existence of formal separatrices for a foliation defined by a germ of real analytical vector field with an algebraically isolated singularity at the origin of $\mathbb{R}^2$. We also present sufficient conditions to guarantee the existence of separatrices for germs of foliations defined by real analytical 1-forms at $(\mathbb{R}^3,0)$. At $(\mathbb{R}^2,0)$ we study the general case and at $(\mathbb{R}^3,0) $ we study only the non-dicritical case. In dimension two, a formal separatrix, or simply separatrix, is a germ of invariant irreducible formal curve, whereas in dimension three it is a germ of invariant irreducible formal surface. At $(\mathbb{R}^2,0)$, a germ of foliation $\mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R}$ induced by a germ of real analytical vector field with algebraically isolated singularity at the origin does not always admit formal separatrix. After a process of reduction of singularities, each singularity of saddle-node type obtained can be classified as topological saddle, topological node or topological saddle-node. We say that $\mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R}$ is of topological real generalized curve type if after a process of reduction of singularities it does not admit singularities of topological saddle-node type. Our main result is that \emph{if either the algebraic multiplicity or the Milnor number of a germ of a topological real generalized curve type foliation at $ (\mathbb{R}^2,0) $ is even, then it has at least one formal separatrix.} At $(\mathbb{R}^3,0)$, a germ of foliation $ \mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R}$ induced by a germ of integrable real analytical 1-form of codimension one is $\mathbb{C}$-non-dicritical if its complexification is a non-dicritical germ of holomorphic 1-form. A \emph{real immersion} $i_\mathbb{R}: (\mathbb{R}^2,0) \hookrightarrow (\mathbb{R}^3,0)$ is \emph{transversal} to $\mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R}$, if the singular set ${\rm Sing} (i_\mathbb{R}^* \mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R})$ has an algebraically isolated singularity at the origin and the algebraic multiplicity satisfies $\nu_0(\mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R}) = \nu_0 (i_\mathbb{R}^*\mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R})$. A germ of foliation $\mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R}$ is of \emph {topological real generalized surface} type if, for all immersion $i_\mathbb{R}:(\mathbb{R}^2,0) \hookrightarrow (\mathbb {R}^3,0)$ transversal to it, the foliation $i_\mathbb{R}^*\mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R}$ has no real topological saddle-nodes in the process of reduction of singularities. As an application of our main result for $(\mathbb{R}^2,0)$, we show that \emph {a germ of topological real generalized surface foliation in $(\mathbb{R}^3,0)$ having even algebraic multiplicity, or such that there is at least one transverse immersion for which the Milnor number $\mu_0(i_\mathbb{R}^*\mathcal{F}_\mathbb{R})$ is even, has at least one formal separatrix}.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Matemática
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectCampo vetorial analítico real
dc.subjectSeparatriz analítica e formal
dc.subjectRedução de singularidades
dc.subjectÍndice de campos de vetores
dc.subjectInvariantes polares
dc.subjectCampos de vetores centro-foco
dc.subjectReal analytic vector field
dc.subjectReal analytic vector field
dc.subjectReduction of singularities,
dc.subjectIndex of vector fields
dc.subjectPolar invariants
dc.subjectCenter-focus vector field
dc.titleSeparatrizes de germes de campos de vetores analíticos reais em dimensão dois

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