Monografias de Especialização
Importância da equipe de saúde bucal na atenção ao idoso
Milene Antonia Santana Silva
In this study, we attempted to point out the need for oral health care of the elderly in the municipality of Araçuaí-MG, specifically in the area covered by the PSF New Hope. We tried to understand what one elderly without attention to oral health and what the consequences of this lack of assistance. This was a descriptive exploratory study from demographic data on the elderly in Brazil, the municipality of Araçuaí-MG and the area covered by the PSF New Hope. The data were analyzed according to themes: profile of elderly in the catchment area of PSF New Hope and consequences of the lack of assistance in oral health for the elderly.The development of this study allowed us to know the profile of the elderly from the area under the PSF New Hope and also to reflect on the integration of oral health teams within the PSF. It also made possible, to promote discussions about the deployment and role of oral health team in the PSF New Hope in the City of Araçuaí- MG.