Monografia (especialização)
A influência do processo para a acreditação internacional no enfrentamento da COVID-19 em um hospital privado de grande porte, situado em Belo Horizonte: relato de experiência
Camila Martins de Jesus
Hospital accreditation is a voluntary process that can bring great benefits to the institution that makes this option. In the health area, there are some important Brazilian and international accreditations that help structure processes and define priorities for patient care. In Brazil, the accreditation organizations that certify the most are the National Accreditation Organization (ONA) and the Joint Commission International (JCI). Until February 2021, Brazil had 40 hospitals certified by the JCI Hospital Accreditation Manual, two of them in the state of Minas Gerais and both located in Belo Horizonte. The JCI accreditation methodology is presented as
more judicious, including a group of systemic and multidisciplinary requirements focused on ensuring quality and patient safety and providing a safe infrastructure for professionals. Another important pillar of this methodology is the investment in the education of professionals, with a chapter developed with standards that guide training and involve the entire institution. This article reports the experience of a large private hospital, located in Belo Horizonte, with JCI international accreditation, and the influence of this methodology on the organization of the hospital to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The study is justified by the relevance of the theme
and the incipience of publications on the subject. The main results found were the consonance between the requirements assessed by the Institution and the actions necessary to face the COVID-19 pandemic. After analyzing the requirements and contingency plans, it was possible to observe the positive influence of JCI accreditation in the Hospital, the study setting. Several chapters of this accreditation methodology, which provided guidance on the standardization of processes, were identified as having an expressive contribution to the challenge of facing the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the correct hand hygiene technique, trained daily by the
hospital teams, upon certification. It is suggested that studies be carried out in other hospitals accredited by the JCI, as well as by other certifying institutions, as a way of deepening knowledge about the influence of accreditation in dealing with a pandemic