Dissertação de Mestrado
Crianças e adolescentes com excesso de peso: repercussões do atendimento multidisciplinar sobre a mudança de hábitos alimentares, medidas antropométricas e parâmetros bioquímicos
Adriana Marcia Silveira
Child obesity is considered an epidemic chronic multifactorial cause disease and a multidisciplinary approach is essential for a successful treatment. There are no doubt that reducing calories and increasing the physical activities are strategies that determine the weight reduction, but the child obesity treatment is not an easy task and there are very few prevention and treatment clinics. This research has the objective of analyzing the impact of multidisciplinary trials treating child and teenobesity and its repercussion on the changes of their food habits and anthropometric and biochemical parameters. This is a comparative clinical trial, among parallel groups, with children and teens, from 6 to 16 years of age, overweight or obese that were submitted to different therapeutical approaches. The subjects are a group of 44 patients, 22 of them from the test group (GT) and 22 from the control group (GC).The research took 12 weeks. The GT group was followed up by a multidisciplinary team with a pediatrician, a nutritionist, a physiotherapist and a psychologist. Everyone in the GT group had individual monthly appointments with the nutritionist, associated with an alimentary reeducation group. The members of this GT group were also exposed to regular aerobic physical activities three times a week, with a physiotherapist and had psychological counseling. The GC group, was monitored during the same time frame, but only had the monthly individual appointments with the nutritionist. The food consumption was analyzed through a semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire (QFASQ), applied in the beginning and after the 12 week period. There were analyzed: weight, height, abdominal circumference, hips circumference, arm circumference and the body mass index (BMI) was calculated. Regarding the biochemical parameters, the serum levels of total cholesterol, LDLcholesterol, HDL- cholesterol and the TC/HDL were analyzed before and after the treatment. The group that had the multidisciplinary team had a better result in the anthropometric and biochemical parameter after the 12 week treatment. There was a significant reduction (p<0,001) in the test group and the control group, in all alimentary parameters analyzed, except the one regarding fibers. Regarding the anthropometric parameters there was an increase in height in both groups (p<0,001) and a significant reduction of the BMI, reduction in circumference of the waist, hips and arms only in the test group. There was a significant reduction in the TC/HDL when comparing the test group to the control group. Through this research it was possible to observe that the overweighed child or teenage treatment is more efficient if followed up by a multidisciplinary team enabling them to achieve better results in the alimentary, anthropometric and biochemical parameters.