Monografias de Especialização
Avaliação do sistema de informações da TRIP Linhas Aéreas S/A: setor compras
Luiza Maria Longarai
This paper reports on a quantitative, explanatory study on the use of an information system at the Purchase Department of the Brazilian company TRIP Linhas Aéreas. Although information systems have been implemented in several companies as a means to support managers and other users decision making, they have not accomplished this objective to the maximum extent because of flaws and shortcomings. Assuming that assessments can solve this problem, this paper reports on a quantitative, explanatory study aiming to assess whether the information system used at the Brazilian airline company TRIP Linhas Aéreas provide the users with necessary and adequate information, especially in regards with the Purchase Sector. More precisely, the objectives were: to identify and describe the procedures of the Purchase Department; to identify the information needs for operation and management at the Purchase Department; to verify whether the information available in the system meet the buyers information needs; to identify possible shortcomings in the operation and use of the system; and to propose solutions to reduce flaws in the availability of information to the companys buyers. Building on work documents, reports from the companys internal systems, bibliographical research and a questionnaire answered by the employees at the Purchase Sector, the results show that the system used at TRIP Linhas Aéreas does not meed the users informational needs. Among the several shortcomings, such as insufficient and incomplete reports, no graph generation, retyping need, little flexibility and slowness, is the serious problem of informational unreliability. Besides giving the company a feedback about the information system, this study may help the general public understand some aspects of information systems and purchase processes at a company as well as support the development of other research approaching the asseassment of information systems.