As relações de poder no discurso dos dispositivos legais e o desenvolvimento das coleções em bibliotecas públicas
Priscilla Pereira Gonçalves
This analysis intended to reflect on the relations of power in the representation of cultural and
epistemic diversity in the discourses of the legal documents about cultural policies, which refer
to the process of Development of Collections in Public Libraries of the Fundação Municipal de
Cultura of Belo Horizonte. It had specific objectives: to identify which documents affected the
Collection Development process; to apprehend the elements as to the interdiction, coloniality
of power and coloniality of knowledge; identify the asymmetries in the discourse of these
devices to the cultural and epistemic diversity; to lift the political and sociocultural tensions
implicit in the process of developing the library collections of the municipal network of the
Municipal Cultural Foundation. The relevance of this work is due to its contribution to the
understanding of the political, social and cultural issues that permeate the process of
Development of collections in Public Libraries. Theories dealing with the conceptions of Public
Policies for Culture and Public Libraries, as well as on the Development of Collections for the
understanding of the empirical body, were used. To compose a perspective of looking, we
selected the categories of analysis inherent to some of the aspects of Cultural Studies, and
the power relations and analysis of the discourses that base their exercise, according to the
theory proposed by Michel Foucault. It is, therefore, an analysis of the discourse of legal
provisions and other documentary sources that affect the process of Development of
collections Municipal Public Libraries of the Cultural Foundation of Town.