dc.contributorIvan Beck Ckagnazaroff
dc.contributorNoel Torres Júnior
dc.contributorRicardo Carneiro
dc.creatorLucas de Carvalho Araújo
dc.description.abstractOne of the most frequently provided public services is the emission of IDs. We can’t affirm that all Brazilian citizens consume that service at least once in a lifetime, but considering the importance of this document, we can affirm that its use is practically compulsory. The government of Minas Gerais state opted to dramatically change the process of entrance of the service of ID emission by implanting the previous on-line scheduling as mandatory for the citizen to issue the document. The present research focused on analysing the effects of this impantation in the accomplishment of the service of ID emission. Among the results of the research, the highlight goes to the fact that the on-line scheduling being mandatory altered significantly the activities developed by the citizen to emit the document, the employees’ availability in providing the service, the flow of entrance of the citizen and the information and checking available for the management of the units. In the matter of the analyzed indicators, the big evolution occurred in the Average Time of Waiting that presented an average superior than 75% after the implementation of the new model, overcoming 90% in the units of bigger amount of attendance. The implantation of the compulsory scheduling rationalized and shaped the demand in a way in which it is now adequate to the capacity of the government’s offer capacity, bringing predictability and constancy to the service, providing the maximization of the productivity of the allocated structure for the attendance, facilitating the capacity of planning and reducing the costs for obtaining the desired quality. The implantation of the mandatory on-line scheduling made it possible for the administration to leave a situation in which the quality of the service depended of the variation of the demand to a situation in which there is the control of the unit’s environment. The research also verified that, despite the fact that the Average Time of Waiting was dramatically reduced, the Satisfaction Rate did not follow this variation. This situation can be explained by the change of the citizen’s expectation related to the service. In the old model, a citizen that did not schedule previously would appear in the unit with an expectation of delays and of a waiting time based on reports or selfexperience. In this case, there was not any compromise of the administration related to the time the service would be provided. From the moment the citizen schedules a specific time, he creates an expectation of having the service provided punctually and any waiting time can hurt his expectations and consequently affect his satisfaction.
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
dc.publisherPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Administração
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.subjectServiços públicos
dc.subjectServiços públicos eletrônicos
dc.subjectAgendamento on-line
dc.subjectCarteira de identidade
dc.subjectTempo de espera
dc.titleEmissão de carteira de identidade: análise da implantação da obrigatoriedade de agendamento on-line prévio no estado de Minas Gerais

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